Larry Kirkpatrick

A Positive Place on the Web for the Third Angel's Message

Kirkpatrick--Michigan Conference Campmeeting 2021 Seminar Materials

Pastor Kirkpatrick was a featured seminar presenter at the Michigan Conference June 18-26, 2021 "How Much More" campmeeting. His series is titled "Come Lord Jesus." Links to seminar materials and handouts:

Presentation 1:

Still Here After All These Years. Why?

HANDOUT for Still Here After All These Years. Why?

Presentation 2:

Can Fallen Men Not Sin?

HANDOUT for Can Fallen Men Not Sin?

Presentation 3:

The Crossward Puzzle

HANDOUT for The Crossward Puzzle

Presentation 4:

When Lutherans Decided to Improve on Luther

HANDOUT for When Lutherans Decided to Improve Luther

Presentation 5: Heppenstall versus Andreasen on the Atonement

Heppenstall versus Andreasen on the Atonement

HANDOUT Outline Leviticus 16 the Atonement

HANDOUT ML Andreasen Selected Ideas Themes phrases TSS The Last Generation chapter](selected-ideas-themes-phrases.pdf)

Outlines Gracelink--Origins and Issues