Updating Assumptions on Church and State
Religious liberty leaders are operating on outdated assumptions about the church and state relation. Many presume a world in which government is the dispassionate, neutral arbiter between church and state. But a great gulf exists between the assumptions of that worldview, and the increasing movement toward totalitarianism in the 2020s. We are in a place of grave danger. The increasingly totalitarian manifestation seen in contemporary governments and rulers leaves no space for expression or even holding of conscientious viewpoints or practices which do not correspond to a prescribed narrative. Many well-meaning people remain unaware that they have overlaid mistaken assumptions onto Scripture.
A Different Time
Many operate under expectation that there are clearly demarcate...
Read more...Kirkpatrick--Michigan Conference Campmeeting 2021 Seminar Materials
Pastor Kirkpatrick was a featured seminar presenter at the Michigan Conference June 18-26, 2021 "How Much More" campmeeting. His series is titled "Come Lord Jesus." Links to seminar materials and handouts:
Presentation 1:
Still Here After All These Years. Why?
HANDOUT for Still Here After All These Years. Why?
Presentation 2:
HANDOUT for Can Fallen Men Not Sin?
Presentation 3:
HANDOUT for The Crossward Puzzle
Presentation 4:
When Lutherans Decided to Improve on Luther
HANDOUT for When Lutherans Decided to Improve Luther
Presentation 5: Heppenstall versus Andreasen on the Atonement
Heppenstall versus Andreasen on the Atonement
HANDOUT Outline Leviticus 16 the Atonement
HANDOUT ML Andreasen Selected Ideas ...
Read more...Gracelink--Origins and Issues
Many years ago we published three articles and some other bits concerning a sabbath school resources that was new at the time, called Gracelink. for those interested, I am including here those old resources as I have been able to recover them. Most of the links are deceased. Wayback machine might help too. If anyone finds better or more complete versions of this information, send me copies. -LK
GraceLink: Origins and Ideologies
Does GraceLink add depth to our end-time Adventist message, or does its historic development reveal an attempt to rewrite Adventist theology and indoctrinate our youth with a counterfeit Adventism?
Larry Kirkpatrick. 25 October 2001
Perusing the official GraceLink website, one discovers this audacious claim: "You can trust GraceLink to give the Adventist v...