Outlines 2 Timothy--comparison
Shared at Michigan Conference Pastor's Retreat, August 3-5 2020, Camp Au Sable, MI
Single chart: dist4-workersmtg-monday2020-slide.pdf
Full three pages: dist4-workersmtg-monday2020-full.pdf
Secure Communication
As we approach the endtimes, we should be wise about our communications, exercising the caution mentioned in Proverbs 22:3. You might think it is going to be very difficult to use, but the things I am recmmending are very easy to use, trivial even, and the benefits are remarkable.
To that end, I strongly recommend the use of the Signal messaging and phone app, which encrypts messages right on your phone so that between yourself and the recipient, no one can read it. Why should you trust it? Its source software is open, so anyone can check the code, and also, it is recommended by former NSA/CIA sysadmin Edward Snowden, who knows something about tracking and privacy. Here are links to how-to tutorials, although you will ifnd that this is a very easy applicatio...
Read more...UMC Separation
United Methodist Church Prtocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation
Read more...ML Andreasen
PDF Format Chart showing phrases, themes, phrase counts from ML Andreasen, The Sanctuary Service, "The Last Generation" Chapter, pp. 299-321.
Read more...Own and Use a Physical Bible
This space makes available the HANDOUT for the "Talk to Me" sermon on strengthening our devotional life by prayer and Bible reading (the sermon will not be published on the site until it has been delivered at Chewelah).
Read more...God's Character and the Final Generation Symposium 2019
Humanity and Divinity Combined (Includes slides in video)
Presentations Written
Presentation Handouts
HANDOUT resource for 2:00pm Larry Kirkpatrick presentation, New Books, Old Error: landscape-lgtcharges.pdf
ADDITIONAL resource for "New Books, Old Error", Some Initial Resources toward Correcting the Knight-Whidden Narrative: someinitialresources-correcting-kwn.pdf
HANDOUT resource for 4:00pm Larry Kirkpatrick presentation: Humanity and Divinity Combined: 1sm340-344.pdf
Read more...Preparing for the Harvest - Symposium Resources
Here are links to the three presentations shared by Larry Kirkpatrick on July 13-14, 2018 at the Preparing for the Harvest Symposium held at the Twin Peaks, Colorado Seventh-day Adventist church.
MAIN PRESENTATIONS (by Larry Kirkpatrick)
Preparing for the Harvest: Introduction
1957, Original Sin, and Questions on Doctrine
Ellen White's Christology Demystified
Representative slides:

The following materials are provided for those wishing to study or review documents, such as the entire "Baker Letter," for the meetings.
HANDOUT for 1957, Original Sin, and Questions on Doctrine:
HANDOUT for Ellen White's Christology Demystified:
Accessory handouts for Ellen White's Christology Demystified: