Overcoming with Jesus #1
Christians want to walk with Jesus. We want to live with Him, live like Him, conquer with Him, and love like Him. Scripture is filled with the history of God interacting with His people, working, saving, keeping, delivering.
Jesus' experience is rich with insight. He is our Substitute but also our Example. His sinless life stands in place of our damaged lives. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, His life stands in place of ours. It is as if we had not sinned.
Read more...In Company with the Outcasts
There are two kinds of outcast: those removed for acting wrongly, and those moved for acting in moral rightness. We experience being cast out when a person or group in authority seeks our removal from the group. Perhaps they feel threatened, or, maybe they are experiencing feelings of insecurity. Or, they may simply be asserting dominance. The result is, one person or group casts out another person or group.
Read more...The Lost Virtue of Humility
We live in an advanced age. We have our screens, our conveniences; we are very wise, very special. Christianity is so old, so pale, so uninteresting. We are located in a culture in which civility has fallen to the ground before our eyes. We don't need Jesus or His archaic, pestilential religion.
So some think. But Jesus possesses many things of which we are destitute. Jesus has virtues many can't even list, let alone have the mastery of.
Read more...What is Adventist Theology?
Four books were published in 2018 taking to task Adventists whose beliefs have been called "Last Generation Theology." Two of these new books are published by the Pacific Press, one by the Pacific Union, and one by Andrews University Press. You may have read the following ad copy in a recent sales catalogue advertising two of these books. The heading says, "What is Last Generation Theology." The reader is asked:
Read more...Saved by Whom for What?
Ephesians 2:8-9 says,
Read more...For by grace you have been saved by faith through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast (NASB).
All our Righteousnesses, part 2
Two Questions
Let's begin with a question. Isaiah 64:6 KJV: Are "All our righteousnesses" "as filthy rags"?
Isaiah says, Yes. Then question two: Is it impossible, in this age, for us fallen humans, to do righteous acts?
Let's study.
Read more...The Life which I Now Live
Today, a most precious message.
Join me at Galatians 2:16. Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch but began to backslide. The tradition was that Jews were not permitted to eat with Gentiles. God had revealed that Jews and Gentiles all need salvation through Christ. Jews were neither superior to Gentiles nor vice versa. Christ unites us all, no matter our ethnicity.