Larry Kirkpatrick

A Positive Place on the Web for the Third Angel's Message

The Last Hours of Jesus #4: Peter's Denial


We are going to focus in on this incident with Peter. Now, the series is the last hours of Jesus, so why are we going to put a focus on Peter? Because Peter was one of Jesus’ closest apostles. And because while Jesus was being harassed in the Thursday night/Friday morning hearings, Jesus knew Peter was present, and there came a moment when Peter betrayed Jesus and when their eyes connected.

The night was an intense one for Jesus and for Peter. For Jesus, He had wrestled in the garden of Gethsemane, been confronted by the mob in the garden, stopped the melee and reattached the ear of the servant of the high priest, and then began to be marched to the various hearings He would be questioned and tortured at through the night.


Access to Kingdom Power


Have you given thought to the insight in this famous verse on baptism?

We were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life (Romans 6.4)

You and I live in a a very individualistic society. There are many reasons for this. One is that we are in the endgame of a long plan to destroy the main institutions that have held our civilization together. There is a thought-through effort to dissolve the values and institutions that hold things together. Church, family, marriage—are replaced by entertainment, self-indulgence, and clever marketing. We have degenerated into an individualized consumer culture.

But when it comes to baptism Paul states of the baptized that,...


The Last Hours of Jesus #3: Midnight Questioning


We continue this morning our look at the last hours of Jesus. He’s prayed in Gethsemane, been betrayed and arrested by the mob, and will now be dragged back and forth for hours from hearing to hearing.

All four gospels inform us on these happenings. These passages especially help us this morning:


The Last Hours of Jesus 2: The Arrest


We continue our look today at the last hours of Jesus. Last week we were with Him at the garden of Gethsemane; today we are at His arrest. The information heaven has given us comes especially from these four passages:

Matthew 26:46-56

Mark 14:43-53


The Last Hours of Jesus 1: Garden Prayer


Today we begin a series of messages focusing on the last hours of Jesus. It is a question where to begin such a presentation but we’ll begin on the basis of Jesus’ aloneness. When Jesus and the disciples left the upper room, they went out to the garden of Gethsemane and this was when Jesus began to be more alone so we will start with that.

These events in the last hours of Jesus are especially recorded in the Bible in each of the four gospels:


The Arrow that Flies by Day


Visible threats to God’s remnant church and to the purposes of Jesus

God’s love is unchanging but how quickly the world is changing. The time in which we live has been characterized as liquid modernity, a period in which change is so rapid that social institutions have no time to solidify. These changes are impacting the mission of the church. Evil is a science and Satan is doing his utmost to practice his science upon your mind. Perhaps you recall this warning:


Still Blind After All These Years


Let My People Go

“Let My people Go!”(Exodus 5:1) Thus thundered Moses to Pharaoh. In a period of severe famine the Hebrew peoples had gone down into Egypt. There they had multiplied until the Egyptians felt threatened. In due course, the Egyptians enslaved them. Centuries passed. Their values were changing but from the spiritually alive among them their cry went up. God heard and sent a deliverer. Through Moses He confronted Pharaoh. The people were freed and a mighty deliverance was wrought.