Larry Kirkpatrick

A Positive Place on the Web for the Third Angel's Message

You Shall Be


It was an important moment in the early church. There they were, assembled together in a room, more than 100 believers. Jesus—the resurrected Jesus was present.

Jesus loves being present with His people. What did He say? “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew18:20). In our time He is present with gathered believers through the Holy Spirit. Understand what I am saying; Jesus is present here, now, with us.


A Nation of Cowards


I did an image search on to see what image comes up the most frequently when you search for cowardice. No particular image seemed to come up more than any other, but one came up near the top of the list that was helpful.

The Tank Man

It is a Chinese man standing in front of a column of tanks in Tiananmen Square.


5 Reasons Jesus is Coming Soon


Jesus is coming again. The Bible foretells His return physically, visibly, audibly, personally. Everyone will hear His arrival; everyone will see it. None living have experienced anything like it.

There will be a complete change. Everyone will be affected. Something that can’t be explained by science is about to happen. A moment will come when God will act, the page will be turned, every person will be weighed in heaven’s moral balances. It will be pass/fail time. No more sliding, no notes from your teacher, your doctor, your parents, no more excuses, do-overs, or forgiveness. Everything will be measured and settled for eternity.


God's Answer to Spiritual Dehydration


They say your body can be in need of water without your realizing it. That is, you can be physically dehydrated and not know it. The same can be true for the church. People might think they have the Holy Spirit, but do they? Or, if they do, can they have more? We pray for the Holy Spirit. What is it?

The Holy Spirit is a person, one of the three persons of the one God. The Holy Spirit comes and lives inside the believer at the believer’s invitation. He gives us the power we need to be overcomers through Jesus. He gives us clarity of thought, discernment, an ability to understand what we should do in the times of intensity just ahead.


Come Lord Jesus 5: Heppenstall vs. Andreasen on the Atonement


What is the Atonement?

What is the Atonement? When Adam and Eve were created they were at peace with Him. But they sinned. Then God reached out and provided a means of reconciliation--a means of atonement. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible tells the story of the atonement.

After God’s people apostatized from Him, He let down a ladder to make a way of return, providing a means for their sins to be covered--to return again to oneness with Him.


Come Lord Jesus 4: When Lutherans Decided to Improve Luther


How many have heard of Martin Luther?


Philip Melanchthon?

Martin Chemnitz?

In the book The Great Controversy, Ellen White wrote,


Come Lord Jesus 3: The Crossward Puzzle


Jesus’ death for us on the cross stands at the center of Christianity. He is the word made flesh. He is God come into His creation, hated and tortured, made sin and sacrificed for His creation. He, in return, is received by whosoever in His creation is willing to receive Him, loved by those in His creation choosing love. We look to Him on the cross; we look crossward, to better understand His love for us.