Larry Kirkpatrick

A Positive Place on the Web for the Third Angel's Message

The Things That Matter (TTTM)


A particularly decadent popular performer used to begin his concerts with the statement, "Welcome to my nightmare." Fear and darkness bring little peace. In God's design people are intended to experience joy, affection and meaning. A nightmare is about unreasoning fear. In a nightmare you can't control the steering wheel.

Postmodernism is going nowhere fast. It doesn't take long to get to nowhere. In a speech earlier this week, 34 year-old brilliant-guy Ben Shapiro said, "Young Americans--we're sick and tired of postmodern garbage." Postmodernism brought us to nowhere. And here we are.


Jesus, Truth, Freedom


So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, 'If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.' They answered Him, 'We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, "You will become free"?' Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:31-36).


SOGI and Religious Liberty


Let me introduce a new acronym for some of you: SOGI. This stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues. Say it after me--SOGI!

What do SOGI issues have to do with Religious Liberty? More than you might think. When there are different moralities vying for the support of the state and when the state is the de facto arbiter of law and reality, there are going to be problems.


HAYSTACKS #8: Kingdom


We are using the word "HAYSTACKS" to highlight nine key ideas that make Adventists Adventist. In a time of societal fracture, we must know who and what we are.

So far, we have highlighted "H" for Hope, "A" for Advent, "Y" for Youthful Eternity, "S" for Sabbath, "T" for Temperance, "A" for Alpha and Omega, and "C" for Counter-cultural. "K" today, might not be the first or second thing to come to mind. But "Kingdom" is a primary emphases that is part and parcel of Adventism.




We speak about God to others because we love God. We are citizens of His kingdom. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and renews our life. We love Jesus. Jesus has given us forgiveness of sins, changed our lives forever, and called us to tell others about our King.

Satan, adversary of all humans, works to intercept and confuse. Serious misconceptions stand between us and those with whom we would like to communicate. How can we talk to others so that we open the door wider for them to receive Jesus?


HAYSTACKS #7: Counter-cultural


As followers of Jesus, Seventh-day Adventists are counter-cultural. The "C" in our HAYSTACKS series stands for "Counter-cultural."

Inevitably we are producers, maintainers, participants in culture. Yet God sends us as missionaries into the culture. We are not non-cultural or a-cultural, but counter-cultural. We are live demonstrations, a divine invasion, soldiers marching through Satan's culture. We are not a gaggle of "No's" sent running through the earth, but a battalion of "Yes's"--agents demonstrating a different way.


Grand Hotel Abyss (Merry Cultural Marxist Christmas)



  • Introduction
  • Three primary prophetic agents
  • Dragon
    • Spiritualism
    • Secularism
      • France revolution atheism
      • Germany 1844 Marx & basics communism
      • Frankfurt school and critical theory
      • Cultural Marxism
  • Our work for this time
  • Conclusion